Thursday, October 15th 2020
18:00 – 20:00 (BST)
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Register NowThe scale of the climate crisis is immense - and its repercussions are toxic to human health. Whether through rising temperatures, air pollution or changing patterns of disease, climate change is having a profound effect on our wellbeing.
A societal shift powered by innovation is needed. At this event, we’ll bring together academics and industry experts to explore ideas and what this environmental emergency means for human health. With a wide range of topics - from sustainable production to reducing air pollution - we hope to broaden discussion and realise the potential of multidisciplinary research to tackle the most pressing issue of our generation.
You will hear talks from several experts on Zoom together with a panel discussion.
David's work focuses on freshwater ecology and how we can biomanipulate lakes and wetlands to restore species diversity.
Theresa is a chartered biologist and works to risk assess chemicals and consumer products.
Gareth has founded several startups in biotechnology - his work in R&D management at Cambond oversees the development of sustainable resins and coffee cups.
Michael is an entrepreneur and innovator dedicated to finding solutions to tackling climate change. At CCC, Michael wants to innovate technologies to permanently convert CO2 to mineral by-products.
With extensive experience in population and digital health, Ting founded Ambify to provide integrated hardware and software solutions for environmental health risk monitoring.
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