Yaniv Proselkov

Branch Leader

Yaniv is a current 4th year PhD at the University of Cambridge in the Institute for Manufacturing, having already published 1 journal paper and 3 conference papers on agent based complex network modelling of actors within infrastructural networks. He is also developing a start-up, applying machine learning to venture capital. Before this, he was a quant researcher in an uncorrelated market strategy hedge fund, producing whitepapers and conducting data analytics, and science, on financial networks. He also learned much of the difficulties faced by small businesses and the ability to service them at scales that are profitable, underpinning his work within his PhD and start-up aspirations. Yaniv graduated as best overall student, with Distinction, from his MSc in Engineering Maths from the University of Bristol, and holds a BSc (Hons) in Mathematics from the University of Bristol, again.

Yaniv's interests are the ways autonomy is expressed in large complex systems, and the resultant dynamics of those systems. This is his PhD, but also he cares about access to opportunity, and along with wanting to learn more about innovation networks and to build experience in creating and running them, this is why he has joined as Lead in the Cambridge branch of the Innovation Network. Yaniv also likes martial arts and film, including feature length movies, but his real love is tiny animated shorts by independent animators. That’s where the fun stuff is.

Other team Members

Andrea Martos

Operations Manager

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Rebeka Popovic


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Yizhou Yu

Head of branch

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Benjamin Droguet

Consultant (former Head of Branch)

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Yiyun Zhang

Business Development Associate

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